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Inventory Adjustment - Quantity Available Will Go Negative
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I am trying to reverse an adjustment that was released with the wrong date, but am getting the following error.  I already have ‘Allow Negative Quantity’ selected on the Item Class screen.  Is there any way to get around this error?    


Hiding Tabs on Contact Screen
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Using 2023R2, I want to hide the following tabs:Using roles, I’ve been able to hide all but CRM Info, Relations and Marketing Lists.  I can seem to find the screens/actions to revoke in the Access Rights by Screen or Roles screens.  Any guidance?


Scan and Transfer -- Not using default warehouse
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Situation:There are the following warehouses:Warehouse1 Warehouse2Each warehouses has the following locations:Location1 Location2 Location3The default warehouse in the User Profile is Warehouse1. Thus, when using Scan and Transfer, that warehouse is ...


Acumatica Payments Opportunity Tracking
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The introduction of Acumatica Payments requires a new process for tracking opportunities. This process will allow us to:Manage Payments opportunities as they progress through the pipeline.   Distinguish between existing ERP customers adding Payments ...


Hear What Our Developers are Saying

"Of what I like in Acumatica is stability. I have experience of dealing with other ERP, and each new version of ERP meant throwing away 30 - 100% of code base. And 30% is something that I've considered to be a lucky person. While I can't say that upgrade with Acumatica is pain free, but on average I can easily preserve 80% of code. And in minor upgrades this number can be up to 97%. Another one is backward compatibility. Sometime people stuck in their old versions for some reason, and still it is easy to give them meaningful help as well."
Yuriy Zaletskyy, Solutions Architect
Kensium Solutions
Developer of the Year for 2022
Stéphane Bélanger
Stéphane Bélanger
Asgard Alliance Software
Why did we pick this person?

Stéphane was received into the Developer MVP Program in 2020. But his recruitment started a year earlier, after he delivered a developer track session at our annual Summit on work as a developer and architect for a one of our customers. Since that time he has contributed by writing a number of insightful developer blogs over the past couple of years and sharing his deep developer skills at this past year's developer track at Summit as a guest speaker. He also participated in other community activities throughout the year.

He really distinguished himself in 2021, with his contributions to our community open source project - Acumatica Surveys as Robert Waite had done in 2020. He completely rearchitected and rewrote much of the code for Surveys adding a number of new features which will broaden it's adoption in 2022.


Acumatica Surveys
A robust, flexible Survey Framework - built by our committed developer community together with Acumatica - enabling customers to check on the wellness of their employees.
Mark Franks
Mark Franks
Dhiren Chhapgar
Dhiren Chhapgar
Harsha Sarjapur
Harsha Sarjapur
Muralidharan Ramakrishnan
Robert Waite
APS Payments
Yuriy Zaletskyy
Chris Hardgrove
NexTec Group

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